
Flashback Friday

This album is definitely one you'll never get tired of: Aerosmith's Get A Grip. The album holds probably the best Aerosmith songs throughout the time and the guys that started the band in 1970 in Massachusetts are still going on strong, Steven Tyler being one of the most colourful persons in rock history. Get A Grip has a great combination of fast forward hard rock songs like Eat The Rich, Livin' On The Edge and Shut Up And Dance but also some sweet rock ballads that filled the dance floors and mix-tapes in the early 90's, Cryin' and Crazy being perhaps the best known of them all. The videos for these ballads were also constantly on air, 90's being the golden era of MTV. Aerosmith continued publishing albums and hits that conquered top charts after the 1980's time after time again but I still feel that this is the most honest, most original Aerosmith-spirited album there is, my personal favourite being their song Amazing, a song that tells the listener that difficulties only makes one grow stronger and better and even during the hardest times, there is still something beautiful, something worth living for.


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