
Adelitas Way - Home School Valedictorian

The story behind the name, Adelitas Way, is almost beyond imagination. The band ended up to a brothel named Adelita Bar after being robbed by corrupted Mexican cops. The way the girls were living there seemed sad and the lead vocalist Rick DeJesus wrote a song about it and that ended up being the name for the band and their first album as well. The band was formed in Las Vegas in 2005 and Home School Valedictorian is their second album. Only time will tell if this album is going to be as successful as their previous album was. If I know anything about music, I'd say this will be even more so.

For what I've listened to this album it is at least heavier than the previous and that's fine by me. First single Sick has been playing over and over in the radio which is fine as well, the song stops me everytime I hear it. And there's more jewels on the album. Opening track Collapse is one of the heavier tracks and sounds to meas if Stone Sour was mixed with Three Days Grace. That might not be far from the truth since the band has been touring with such great bands as Sick Puppies, Hailstorm, Shinedown, Breaking Benjamin and the already mentioned Three Days Grace. Less hard rock but more positive is the song named Alive which became instantly one of my favourites. Not that there's any bad songs on the album.
Worth your money if you like bands like Daughtry, Alter Bridge or Saliva. :)


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